10-12 lat 4, Materiały Szkoleniowe Łukasz, uefa b kurs 2013, konspekty, treningi 6-12 lat
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//-->Coaching at the Grass RootsIT’S PRACTICE TIME!10-12 year oldsPART VIIDribblingObjective:Moving with the ball under control when encounteringopposition.Key Factors:Maintain close control of the ball – ball is within three metres.Be aware of what is going on around you – look up!Change direction.Change speed.Develop individual stunts and tricks – i.e. screening the ball.Use different surfaces of the foot. Canadian Soccer AssociationPage 1LET’S PRACTICE!10-12 year oldsEQUIPMENT CHECK: Balls, cones, and bibs.Warm-up(10 minutes)8 players dribble within grid. Use inside and outside of each foot.Keep ball close. Change direction and pace. Players who are not inthe grid perform stretching exercises.8 players move within grid. Use 3 cones less than number of players.On command, each player attempts to stop his ball within one metreof a cone. Only one player is allowed within one metre of each cone.Players without a cone may be eliminated as in"Musical Chairs"orreceive a"minus point".Last player remaining, or player with least"minus points”,is winner.Eliminated players should be given a task – i.e. individual ball control,passing and control between two players.Variation:Simply regard cones as opponents and steer clear.Players not in grid perform stretching exercises.The Canadian Soccer AssociationPage 2Technique Practice(15 minutes)Two 10 m x 10 m grids, 20 m apart.16 players. 8 players in each grid.Each player has a ball. Players at liberty to dribble, and performtricks and feints.On command, players take turns to dribble towards a one-metre goaland pass the ball through goal so that they can "retrieve" ball before itreaches other grid.Coach; assign numbers 1 to 8 in each grid or use bib colours so thatyou may shout a number or colour to tell players to move from onesquare to another.The Canadian Soccer AssociationPage 316 players: 8 players to a grid. Each player has a ball.Players take turns to leave one grid and dribble around 4 conesbefore entering other grid.The Canadian Soccer AssociationPage 4Skill Practice(15 minutes)2 teams of 4 players. 2 players of each team inside 30 m x 20 m grid.Other 4 players are stationed at corners. Use 2 balls.Internal players in possession attempt to dribble ball to teammate atcorner. Keep score if desired.Rotate positions every minute.Related Game(15 minutes)7 players: one attacker and one defender in each 10 m x 10 m grid;one neutral goalkeeper.Attackers attempt to dribble around defender and shoot to score.Players may enter larger grid. Alternate positions after so manyshots, goals, or minutes.The Canadian Soccer AssociationPage 5
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