100164, OPR, HYSTER, Hyster2, SRM
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//-->INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the frame and connected parts. Included in thissection are the main frame, counterweight assembly,overhead guard, hood and instructions for removingthe engine and transmission.There is a counterweight size for each capacity of lifttruck in the series. The design of the counterweightsare similar, but are different weights.The counter-weights for the S60-80E Boxcar Special and theS80E Stevedoring Truck are special designs.Acast grille protects the cooling fan mounted in thecounterweight of this series of lift trucks. The radiatoris also mounted in the counterweight.The overhead guard is fastened to the front cowl andthe counterweight. Soft rubber isolators under eachleg of the overhead guard decrease noise and vibra-tions.A spring and linkage system help raise the hood foraccess to the engine compartment. The hood has rub-ber isolators and a fiberglass mat with an aluminumsurface to decrease noise.DESCRIPTIONThe main frame is one weldment and includes the hy-draulic tank and fuel tank. The frame for the S30-60ES is similar in design to the S60-l 20E. The framefor the S60-l20E is larger and is made from thickermetal plate. The main frame has mounts for the coun-terweight, overhead guard, engine and transmission,axles and hood.FIGURE 1. FRAME AND CONNECTED PARTSFIGURE 2. FRAMEDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYWARNINGPUTTING THE LIFT TRUCK ONBLOCKSThe lift truck must be put on blocks forsome types of maintenance and repair.The removal of the following assemblieswill cause large changes in the center ofgravity: counterweight, upright, engine,drive axle and transmission. When thelift truck is put on blocks, put additionalblocks in the following positions:1. If the counterweight is notremoved, put blocks under thecounterweight.2. If the counterweight is removed,put blocks under the uprightassembly.WARNINGThe counterweight is heavy. Make surethat the crane and lifting devices haveenough capacity to lift the counterweight.The counterweights can be removed withthe cooling system still installed. Theweights of the counterweights without thecooling system are as follows:S30ES40ES5OES60ESS60ES60EBCSS70ES70EBCSS80ES80EBCSS80ES100ES120E758 - 835 kg (1690 - 1840 lb)1082 - 1142 kg (2385 - 2515 lb)1425 - 1507 kg (3140 - 3320 lb)1852 - 1507 kg (4080 - 4300 lb)1384 - 1448 kg (3050 - 3200 lb)1403 - 1493 kg (3090 - 3290 lb)1721 - 1493 kg (3790 - 3990 lb)1824 - 1915 kg (4018 - 4218 lb)2046 - 2136 kg (4505 - 4705 lb)2047 - 213S kg (4510 - 4710 lb)Stevedoring Truck1939 - 2029 kg (4270 - 4470 lb)2391 - 2513 kg (5265 - 5535 lb)2985 - 3l08 kg (6575 - 6845 lb)COUNTER WEIGHTThe counterweight does not have to be removed formost repairs. The counterweight has to be removedto remove the steering axle from the lift truck.RemovalThe counterweight can be removed with the coolingsystem installed in the counterweight. See THECOOLING SYSTEM, 700 SRM 108 for the pro-cedures to remove the cooling system.A. Remove the access panel over the radiator (S60-100E only). Remove the overhead guard. Drain thecoolant from the radiator.B. Remove the hood. Remove the two nuts that holdeach spring mount to the frame. Remove the threecapscrews that hold each linkage assembly to theframe.C. Remove the two capscrews that hold the outlet ofthe muffler to the connection in the counterweight.D. Disconnect the radiator hoses at the engine. Dis-connect the oil lines at the radiator for the transmis-sion oil cooler.E. Disconnect the fan drive shaft from the crankshaftpulley adaptor by removing the 12 point capscrews.F. Install lifting eyes in the bolt holes for the overheadguard. Make sure that the engaged length of thethreads is greater than the diameter of the eyebolt.G. Remove the two 12 point capscrews and removethe counterweight part with the HYSTER name. Re-move the lower counterweight bolt. Install the coun-terweight part again and tighten the 12 pointcapscrews. Connect lifting chains to the two eyeboltsand to the tow pin (see Figure 3). Connect the liftingchains to the crane and adjust the lifting chains so thatthey will lift the load evenly.WARNINGMake sure to tow pin is fully installed inthe bore of the counterweight.NOTE [S60-80E]The S60-80E lift trucks do not have up-per capscrews that hold the counterweightto the frame. The frame holds the coun-terweight on hooks. A lower capscrewholds the counterweight to the frame. Theremoval of the counterweight is the sameas in step H except for the uppercapscrews.FIGURE 3. COUTERWEIGHT REMOVALH. Raise the crane to hold the weight of the counter-weight. Loosen the two upper capscrews that holdthe counterweight to the frame. Carefully raise thecounterweight until the two capscrews are past theslots in the frame. Move the counterweight away fromthe lift truck and put it in a position so that it cannotfall.E. Connect the fan drive shaft at the crankshaft pulleyadaptor.F. Connect the muffler to the connection in the coun-terweight.G. Install the hood.H. Install the overhead guard. See Figure 4. Tightenthe capscrews to 110 N.m (80 lbf ft). Install the ac-cess panel over the radiator (S60-l20E only).InstallationThe counterweight can be installed on the lift truckwith the cooling system either installed or removedfrom the counterweight. The following procedures arejust for the installation of the counterweight. See THECOOLING SYSTEM, 700 SRM 108 for the pro-cedures to install the cooling system.WARNINGMake sure the tow pin is fully installedin the bore of the counterweight beforelifting the counterweight.A. Lift the counterweight into positon on the frame.Tighten the two upper capscrews that hold the coun-terweight to the frame (S30-60ES, S100-120E).B. Remove the crane, lifting chains, and eyebolts.Remove the two 12 point capscrews and remove thecounterweight part with the H YSTER name. Installthe lower counterweight bolt and tighten to 270 N. m(200 1bf ft). Tighten the two upper capscrews to thefollowing:S30-60ESS100-120E600 N.m810 N.m(440 1bf ft)(600 1bf ft)HOOD AND SEATThe hood can be removed without removing the seat.The seat can be removed by removing the four boltsthat fasten the seat to the hood. When it is necessaryto remove the hood, remove the two nuts that holdeach spring mount to the frame. Remove the threecapscrews that hold each linkage assembly to theframe.Adjust Hood Latch And Striker(See Figure 4)NOTEThe hood and latch MUST be adjusted for cor-rect alignment and operation for the operatorrestraint system to operate correctly.1. Align the latch to center the latch on the striker. Itmay be necessary to loosen the latch bracketcapscrews to help align the latch. It may also be nec-essary to move the hood and or the floorplate to alignthe striker. If the hinge to hood hardware was loos-ened for alignment, retighten the hardware. Also tightenthe latch bracket and floorplate hardware. Move thelatch to the bottom of the adjustment slots.2. Push the hood down so that the latch engages thestriker and clicks twice. Loosen the latch capscrewsjust enough to allow the latch to move the hood ispushed down on the bumpers.3. Push the hood dolmen lirmh as ion tighten the 1;ttchcapscrews. THE LATCH MUST NOT SUPPORTTHE HOOD. The hood must be supported by thehood bumpers and should rest on the bumpers whenthe latch is fully engaged (clicks twice).C. Install the counterweight part with the HYSTERname and tighten the 12 point capscrews to the fol-lowing:S30- 60 ESS60- l 20E270 N.m409 N.m(200 lbf ft)(300 lbf ft)D. Connect the radiator hoses and fill the cooling sys-tem as described in the PERIODIC MAINTE-NANCE section. If equipped with a powershift trans-mission, connect the oil cooling lines at the radiator.FIGURE 4. CHECKING THE HOOD AND SEAT LATCHES (1 of 2)4. Release the latch, then open and close the hoodseveral times to make sure that the latch clicks twice(fully latched position) each time the hood is closedcompletely. The hood must not be slammed to makethe latch fully engage (two clicks). The latch must fullyengage each time the hood is closed. Make sure thelatch is NOT supporting the hood. Tighten the latchcapscrews to l l N.m (8 lbf ft) torque.OPERATOR RESTRAINT SYSTEM(SEE FIGURES 4 AND 5)The seat belt, hip restraint brackets, seat and mount-ing, hood, latches and floor plates are all part of theoperator restraint system. Each item must be checkedto make sure it is attached securely, functions cor-rectly and is in good condition.FIGURE 4. CHECKING THE HOOD AND SEATLATCHES (2 of 2)
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