100449, OPR, HYSTER, Hyster2, SRM
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//-->INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the frame and connected parts. Included in this sec-tion are the frame, counterweight, hood, hydraulic andfuel tanks, radiator and exhaust system. Also includedare the instructions for removal and installation of theengine.DESCRIPTIONThe frame is a one piece weldment and has mounts forthe counterweight, upright, overhead guard, engine andtransmission, axles and other parts.REPAIRSWARNINGThe lift truck must be put on blocks for some types ofmaintenance and repair. The removal of the follow-ing assemblies will cause large changes in the centerof gravity: upright, drive axle, engine and transmis-sion, and the counterweight. When the lift truck isput on blocks, put additional blocks in the followingpositions to maintain stability:a. Before removing the upright and drive axle,put blocks under the counterweight so thatthe lift truck can not fall backward.b. Before removing the counterweight, putblocks under the upright assembly so that thelift truck can not fall forward.The surface must be solid, even, and level when thelift truck is put on blocks. Make sure that any blocksused to support the lift truck are solid, one pieceunits. PLATEOVERHEAD GUARDCOUNTERWEIGHTFRAME12443FIGURE 1. FRAME AND CONNECTED PARTS1COUNTERWEIGHTDo not operate the lift truck if the capscrews for thecounterweight are not installed. When the capscrewis removed, the counterweight can fall from the lifttruck.d. Run the engine until it stops, then turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.e. Disconnect the quick disconnect fitting.f. Release the LPG tank latch and remove the tankfrom the bracket.3. Open the access door between the counterweight andthe hood. Remove the LPG tank and tank bracket if theunit has the LPG fuel system.WARNINGMake sure any lifting devices have the correct capac-ity for the parts being moved. See FIGURE 2.Removal (See FIGURE 2.)1. If the lift truck has an LPG fuel system, remove theLPG tank and bracket so that the counterweight can beremoved. Additional information on the LPG fuel sys-tem can be found in the following section of theSER-VICE MANUAL:THE LPG FUEL SYSTEM, 900 SRM 348.WARNINGLPG can cause an explosion. Do not cause sparks orpermit flammable material near the LPG system.LPG fuel systems can be disconnected indoors onlyif the lift truck is at least 8 metres (25 feet) from anyopen flame, motor vehicles, electrical equipment, orignition source.Close the fuel valve on the LPG tank before any partof the engine fuel system is disconnected. Run the en-gine until the fuel in the system is used and the en-gine stops.If the engine will not run, close the fuel valve on theLPG tank. Loosen the fitting on the supply hosefrom the LPG tank where it enters the filter unit.Permit the pressure in the fuel system to decreaseslowly. Fuel leaving the fitting removes heat. Use acloth to protect your hands from the cold fitting.2. Use the following procedure to remove the LPG tank:a. Removable LPG tanks can be removed and re-placed indoors only if the lift truck is at least 8metres (25 feet) from any open flame or ignitionsource.b. Move the lift truck to the area where tanks arechanged.c. Turn the tank fuel valve clockwise until the valveis completely closed.2124451. LIFT TRUCKFRAME2. COUNTERWEIGHT3 GRILL4. CAPSCREW5. ACCESS DOOR6. TRANSITION PLATE7. HOODWEIGHT OF COUNTERWEIGHTSS6.00XL (S135XL)S7.00XL (S155XL)2873 to 2953 kg3330 to 3420 kg(6335 to 6511 lb)(7343 to 7541 lb)FIGURE 2. COUNTERWEIGHT4. Install a lifting eye in the hole in the top of the coun-terweight. Connect a lifting device to the lifting eye.Remove the two vertical capscrews and the capscrewbehind the tow pin that hold the counterweight to theframe.5. Lift the counterweight from the frame. Put the coun-terweight in a position so that it has stability and will notfall.Installation (See FIGURE 2.)1. Connect a lifting device to the lifting eye on the coun-terweight. Lift the counterweight into position on theframe.2. Install the capscrews for the counterweight. Tightenthe capscrews to 655 N.m (485 lbf ft).3. Close the access door. Install the LPG tank on LPGunits.b. Install the latch striker in the highest slot positionon the rear floor plate. Check that the latch strikeris in the center of the jaws of the hood latch.c. Close the hood to the fully closed position. Thehood latch has two positions. The hood is fullyclosed after two clicks of the latch.d. Loosen the capscrews for the latch striker justenough to let the striker move. Push the hooddown until the hood just touches the rubberbumpers on the frame. Make sure the latch strikeris still in the center of the hood latch. Tighten thecapscrews for the latch striker.e. Check the operation of the hood latch. Have anoperator sit in the seat. Make sure that the hood isfully closed (two clicks). Also check that thehood touches the rubber bumpers. If necessary,repeat step d.HOODRemoval1. See FIGURE 2. Remove the capscrews that fastenthe transition plate (6). DoNOTremove the plate.2. Open the access door, reach under the transition plateand remove the radiator over flow hose from the two “J”clamps.3. Raise the hood and disconnect the gas assist cylinderat the hood. Remove the hood, transition plate and ac-cess door.Installation (See FIGURE 3.)1. Install the hood, transition plate and access door inposition on the lift truck. Install the capscrews for thetransition plate. Connect the gas assist cylinder to thehood. Align the hood for the latch on the front cover.Tighten the capscrews for the transition plate.2. Install the over flow hose in the “J” clamps. Close theaccess door.OVERHEAD GUARDRemovalWARNINGDo not operate the lift truck without the overheadguard correctly fastened to the lift truck.Changes that are made by welding, or by drillingholes that are too big in the wrong location, can re-duce the strength of the overhead guard. See the in-structions for “Changes to the Overhead Guard” inthe PERIODIC MAINTENANCE section includedwith this lift truck.Connect a lifting device to the top of the overheadguard. If installed, remove the overhead exhaust andLPG fuel line clamps. If installed, disconnect the lightwiring harness. Remove the capscrews that hold theoverhead guard to the frame. Remove the capscrewsthat hold the overhead guard to the cowl. Lift the over-head guard from the lift truck.InstallationWARNINGThe hood, hood latch and latch striker must be cor-rectly adjusted for the correct operation of the op-erator restraint system.3. See FIGURE 3. Use the following procedure to ad-just the hood latch:a. Install the floor plates and tighten the capscrews.1. Connect a lifting device to the top of the overheadguard. Put the overhead guard in position on the lifttruck.312444LPG ARRANGEMENT1. STRIKERHOOD LATCHLATCH LEVERSEATSEAT BELT LATCHHIP RESTRAINT7.8.910.11.SEAT RAILFLOOR PLATEHOODGAS CYLINDERHINGEGAS/DIESEL ARRANGEMENTFIGURE 3. CHECK THE HOOD AND SEAT LATCHES2. Install the capscrews at the rear of the overheadguard. Install the capscrews that hold the overheadguard to the cowl. Tighten the rear and top front cap-screws to 90 N.m (67 lbf ft). Tighten the front capscrewsunder the cowl to 165 N.m (122 lbf ft).OPERATOR RESTRAINT SYSTEM(See FIGURE 3. and FIGURE 4.)The seat belt, hip restraint brackets, seat and mounting,hood, latches and floor plates are all part of the operatorrestraint system. Each item must be checked to makesure it is attached securely, functions correctly and is ingood condition.The end of the seat belt must fasten correctly in thelatch. Make sure the seat belt pulls from the retractor as-sembly and retracts smoothly. The seat belt must be ingood condition. A seat belt that is damaged or worn willnot give protection when it is needed. If the seat belt cannot be pulled from the retractor assembly, remove thescrew that keeps the cover on the retractor. Push the barto release the spool. Straighten the belt so that it willpull and retract smoothly from the retractor assembly.See FIGURE 4.See FIGURE 3. Make sure the seat rails and latchstriker are not loose. The seat rails must lock tightly inposition, but move freely when unlocked. The seat railsmust be correctly fastened to the mount surface. If themount surface is the hood, the hood must be fastened tothe floor plate with the latch. The floor plate must be1431. COVER OPEN2. BELT RETRACTOR2118063. SEAT BELT4. BARFIGURE 4. RELEASE A JAMMED SEAT BELT3. If removed, install the overhead exhaust and LPGfuel line. Connect the light wiring harness.4fastened to the lift truck frame. Try to lift the hood tomake sure it is fastened correctly and will not move.Adjust the hood, hood latch and latch striker when anyof the parts of the operator restraint system are installedor replaced. See the repair procedures for the HOOD.S“Safe Practices For Welding And CuttingContainers That Have Held Combustibles”by the American Welding Society, A6.0–65.S“Safety In Welding And Cutting”, AmericanNational Standard, ANSI Z 49.1 – 1973.When cleaning the tank, do not use solutions that makedangerous gases at normal temperatures or whenheated. Wear eye and face protection. Protect the bodyfrom burns.When cleaning with steam, use a hose with a minimumdiameter of 19 mm (0.75 inch). Control the pressure ofthe steam by a valve installed at the nozzle of the hose. Ifa metal nozzle is used, it must be made of a material thatdoes not make sparks. Make an electrical connectionbetween the nozzle and the tank. Connect a ground wireto the tank to prevent static electricity.Steam Method Of CleaningUse the following procedure to clean the tank withsteam:a. Remove all the parts from the tank. Install thedrain plug.b. Fill the tank 1/4 full with a solution of water andsodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate. Mix0.5 kg (1 lb) per 4 litres (1 gallon) of water.c. Mix the solution in the tank using air pressure.Make sure all the surfaces on the inside of thetank are flushed with the solution. Drain the tank.d. Put steam into the tank until the tank does nothave odors and the metal is hot. Steam vaporsmust come from all the openings.e. Flush the inside of the tank with boiling water.Make sure all the loose material is removed fromthe inside of the tank.f. Make an inspection of the inside of the tank. If itis not clean, repeat steps d. and e. and make an-other inspection. When making inspections, usea light that is approved for locations with flam-mable vapors.g. Put plugs in all the openings in the tank. Wait 15minutes, then remove the inlet and outlet plugs.Test a sample of the vapor with a special indicatorfor gas vapors. If the amount of flammable va-pors is above the lower flammable limit, repeatthe cleaning procedures.5FUEL AND HYDRAULIC TANKSInspectionMake a visual inspection of all sides of the tank. Inspectthe welds for cracks and leakage. Check for wet areas,accumulation of dirt, and loose or missing paint causedby leakage. Areas of the tank that are not easily seen canbe checked with an inspection mirror and a light that isapproved for locations with flammable vapors.Repairs, Small LeaksUse the following procedure to repair small leaks:a. Use steam to clean the area around the leak. Re-move all paint and dirt around the leak.WARNINGDo not use tools that can make sparks, heat or staticelectricity. The vapors in the tank can cause an ex-plosion.b. Apply LoctiteR290 to the leak. Follow the in-structions of the manufacturer.Repairs, Large Leaks1. Use one of the procedures described under Cleaningin this section to clean and prepare the tank for repairs.2. Use acceptable welding practices to repair the tank.See the American National StandardSafety In WeldingAnd CuttingANSI Z 49.1 – 1973.CleaningWARNINGSpecial procedures must be followed when largeleaks or other repairs need welding or cutting. Allwork must be done by authorized personnel. If thetank is cleaned inside of a building, make sure thereis enough ventilation. See the following manuals foradditional information:
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