10027, OPR, HYSTER, Hyster2, SRM
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//-->INTRODUCTIONThe frames for the E20–30BS and E20–30BH are thesame size and have a 711 mm (28 in) battery compart-ment. The mounts for the drive axle and steering axleare different because of the tires. The E20–30BS lifttrucks have cushion tires and the E20–30BH lift truckshave pneumatic tires.The E30–50B, E60BS lift trucks have frames made inthree different lengths. There are three lengths of bat-tery compartments 711 mm (28 in), 787mm (31 in),863 mm (34 in). Except for the length, the remainder ofthe frame parts are the same.The E60–120B lift trucks are made with two lengths offrames. The E60–80B series has a battery compartmentof 1032 mm (40.6 in) in battery compartment of 1719mm (47 in).The hydraulic pump and the main control valve are inthe hydraulic tank. A panel in the side of the frame canbe removed for access to the assemblies in the hydrau-lic tank.This section has a description and the service proce-dures for the parts of the frame. These parts include thecounterweight assembly, overhead guard, hydraulictank, access panels, and label positions.The frame is a single weldment. The frame has mountsfor the counterweight, overhead guard, masts, steeringaxle, and drive axle assembly. The hydraulic tank ispart of the frame. The top and side panels open onhinges to give access to the battery compartment. Ac-cess panels on the side of the frame protect the elec-tronic controller and the hydraulic pump motor fromdirt and water.There are three series of frames for the electric Sit-DriveR lift trucks. The frames are similar in design,but are different sizes for each series.98121. COVERBATTERY DOORPROTECTIVE COVERFLOOR PLATE (CENTER)ACCESS PANEL FORHYDRAULIC MOTORFLOOR PLATES (SIDE)FRAMESEAT ASSEMBLYOVERHEAD GUARD71032553461FIGURE 1. PARTS OF THE FRAMEThe weight of the battery is the main part of the coun-terweight system on an electric lift truck. Each modelof lift truck has a cast–iron counterweight with aweight necessary for the indicated capacity. A slot inthe overhead guard permits removal of the batterywithout removing the overhead guard.DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYWARNINGDo not operate the lift truck without the overheadguard correctly fastened to the lift truck.Removal1. Remove the battery as described in the sectionPE-RIODIC MAINTENANCE (8000 SRM 201).2. Access to the capscrews that hold the overheadguard to the counterweight is from the battery compart-ment. Remove the two 12 point capscrews.3. Remove the two capscrews that hold each support ofthe overhead guard to the cowl.4. Use a lifting device or another person to help lift theoverhead guard from the lift truck.InstallationPut the overhead guard on the lift truck. Install andtighten the six capscrews and washers that hold theoverhead guard to the lift truck. Install the battery.103241. BATTERY RESTRAINT2. LATCH FOR BATTERY RESTRAINT3. ANCHOR FOR LATCH (WELDED TO THEFRAME)4. HINGE5. HOODFIGURE 2. BATTERY RESTRAINTWARNINGPUTTING THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS Thelift truck must be put on blocks for some types ofmaintenance and repair. The removal of thefollowing assemblies will cause large changes in thecenter of gravity: battery, mast, drive axle andtraction motor, and the counterweight. When the lifttruck is put on blocks, put additional blocks in thefollowing positions:1. If the battery and the drive axle are removed,put blocks under the counterweight.2. If the battery and counterweight are removed,put blocks under the mast assembly.The counterweight normally does not have to be re-moved for repairs. The counterweight is fastened to theframe with three capscrews. The weights for the coun-terweights are shown in TABLE 1.The seat assembly has several functions. A steel plateunder the seat plate fastens to the frame and preventsthe battery from coming into the operator area in caseof accident. A seat brake is optional equipment and isconnected to the seat assembly. When the operator isnot in the seat, the seat brake is automatically applied.The parking brake is also connected to the seat assemb-ly. If the lift truck has a seat brake, both the parkingbrake and the seat brake control the same brake assem-bly. The parking brake assembly is found on the shaftof the traction motor. For more information, see thesectionTHE PARKING BRAKE (1800 SRM 205).The seat can be removed from the seat plate by remov-ing four bolts. The seat plate is removed by removingthe hinge pin that holds the seat assembly to the frame.2TABLE 1MODELBATTERY COMPARTMENT SIZEWEIGHT OF COUNTERWEIGHTE20BE25BE30BSE20BHE25BHE30BH713 mm (28 in)713 mm (28 in)713 mm (28 in)713 mm (28 in)713 mm (28 in)713 mm (28 in)713 and 789 mm (28 and 31 in)865 mm (34 in) (Not U.S.)865 mm (34 in) (Not U.S.)865 mm (34 in) (U.S.)713 mm (28 in) (All)789 mm (31 in) (All)865 mm (34 in) (All)218–240 kg (480–530 lb)313–336 kg (690–740 lb)536–581 kg (1180–1280 lb)234–256 kg (515–565 lb)313–336 kg (690–740 lb)540–586 kg (1190–1290 lb)318–363 kg (700–800 lb)318–363 kg (700–800 lb)431–476 kg (950–1050 lb)568–613 kg (1250–1350 lb)568–613 kg (1250–1350 lb)681–7266 kg (1500–1600 lb)1180–1226 kg (2600–2700 lb)E30–40BE40BE50BE50BE40BE50BE60BSE60BE70BE80BE100BE120B1041 mm (41 in)1041 mm (41 in)1041 mm (41 in)1194 mm (47 in)1194 mm (47 in)227–272 kg (500–600 lb)427–472 kg (940–1040 lb)779–824 kg (1715–1815 lb)779–824 kg (1715–1815 lb)779–824 kg (1715–1815 lb)2. Disconnect the sling or chain. Remove the eyeboltsfrom the counterweight.3. Install the overhead guard as described in the Over-head Guard, Installation in this section.4. Install the battery.Removal1. Remove the battery. See the sectionPERIODICMAINTENANCE (8000 SRM 201).2. Remove the overhead guard as described in theOverhead Guard, Removal in this section.3. Install lifting eyebolts in the holes that hold the over-head guard to the counterweight. Attach a chain orsling to the eyebolts. Use a crane or lifting device tohold the weight of the counterweight.4. From inside the battery compartment, remove thethree capscrews that old the counterweight to theframe. Use the crane to lift the counterweight awayfrom the frame.Installation1. Use a crane to lift the counterweight into position.Install the three capscrews that hold the counterweightto the frame. Tighten the capscrews to 190 Nm (140 lbfft).The hydraulic tank is part of the frame weldment. Anaccess panel in the side of the hydraulic tank gives ac-cess to the hydraulic tank, hydraulic pump and maincontrol valve. Most leaks occur where two surfaces arejoined. The access panel or hydraulic pump are exam-ples. A gasket is used between the access panel and thehydraulic tank. Repairs for leaks in the tank weldmentcan require special procedures described in the nextparagraphs.Small LeaksSmall leaks can be sealed as follows:a. Use steam to clean the area around the leak. Re-move all paint and dirt around the leak.3WARNINGDo not use tools that can make sparks, heat or staticelectricity. The vapors in the tank can cause anexplosion.b. Apply Loctite® 290 to the leak. Follow the in-structions of the manufacturer.Large Leaksc. Mix the solution in the tank using air pressure.Make sure all the surfaces on the inside of thetank are flushed. Drain the tank.d. Put steam into the tank until the tank does nothave odors and the metal is hot. Steam vaporsmust come out of all the openings.e. Flush the inside of the tank with boiling water.Make sure all the loose material is removed fromthe inside of the tank.f. Make an inspection of the inside of the tank. If itis not clean repeat steps d and e and make anotherinspection. When making inspections, use a lightthat is approved for locations with flammable va-pors.g. Put plugs in all the openings in the tank. Wait 15minutes, then remove the inlet and outlet plugs.Test a sample of the vapor with a special indicatorfor gas vapors. If the amount of flammable va-pors is above the lower flammable limit, repeatthe cleaning procedures.Chemical Solution Method of CleaningIf the tank cannot be cleaned with steam, use the fol-lowing procedure:a. Mix a solution of water and trisodium phosphateor a cleaning compound with an alkali base. Fol-low the instructions given by the manufacturer.b. Fill the tank with the cleaning solution. Use com-pressed air to mix the solution in the tank.c. Drain the tank. Flush the inside of the tank withhot (boiling water. Make sure all the cleaningcompound is removed.d. Make an inspection of the inside of the tank. If thetank is not clean, repeat steps a to c. Make anotherinspection of the tank. When making inspections,use a light that is approved for locations withflammable vapors.e. Check the tank for flammable vapors using spe-cial indicator for gas vapors. If the amount offlammable vapors is not below the lower flam-mable limit, repeat the cleaning procedures.Other MethodsIf nitrogen gas or carbon dioxide gas is available, pre-pare the tank for welding using these gases. See theWARNINGSpecial procedures be followed when large leaks orother repairs need welding or cutting. Specialprocedures must be followed. All work must be doneby authorized personnel. If the tank is cleaned insideof a building, make sure there is enough ventilation.See the following manuals for additionalinformation:S“Safe Practices For Welding And CuttingContainers That Have Held Combustibles” bythe American Welding Society, A6.0–65.S“Safety In Welding And Cutting”, AmericanNational Standard ANSI Z 49.1 – 1973.When cleaning the tank, do not use solutions thatmake dangerous gases at normal temperatures orwhen heated. Wear a device for the protection of theeyes. Protect the body from burns.When cleaning with steam, use a hose with aminimum diameter of 19 mm (0.75 inch). Controlthe pressure of the steam by a valve installed in frontof the hose. If a metal nozzle is used, it must be madeof a material that does not make sparks. Make anelectrical connection between the nozzle and thetank. To prevent static electricity, connect a groundwire to the tank.Steam Method Of CleaningClean the tank as follows:a. Remove all the parts from the tank. Install thedrain plug.b. Fill the tank 1/4 full with a solution of water andsodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate. Mix0.5 kg (1 lb) per 4 litres (1 gal) of water.4manual “Safe Practices For Welding and Cutting Con-tainers That Have Held Combustibles” by the Ameri-can Welding Society, A6.0–65. If these gases are notavailable, another method using water can be used asfollows:a. Fill the tank with water to just below the pointwhere the work will be done. Make sure the spaceabove the level of the water has a vent.b. Use acceptable welding practices to repair thetank. See the American National Standard “Safe-ty In Welding And Cutting” ANSI Z 49.1 – 1973.If a mast of a different size or an accessory carriage isinstalled, the capacity rating can change. Changes inthe size or number of drive tires will change thecapacity rating. See a HYSTER Dealer for areplacement nameplate. The nameplate informationis a safety item and must be correct.NOTE:The nameplate is installed using rivets. The oldrivets must be removed before installing new name-plate.1. Make sure the surface is dry and has no oil or grease.Do not use solvent on new paint. Clean the surface ofold paint using a cleaning solvent.2. Remove the paper from the back of the label. Do nottouch the adhesive surface.3. Carefully hold the label in the correct position abovethe surface. The label cannot be moved after it touchesthe surface. Put the label on the surface. Make sure allair is removed from under the label and the corners andedges are tight.If the labels or information plates are missing or havedamage, they must be replaced.WARNINGLabels that have WARNINGS or CAUTIONS mustbe replaced if they are damaged.5
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