10042, OPR, HYSTER, Hyster2, SRM

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//-->INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has descriptions and procedures for re-moval, repair and installation for the parts of the frame.There are also procedures for painting the frame andinstalling labels. The frame parts include the mainframe, counterweight, fuel tank, hydraulic tank, floorplates, hood and overhead guard.counterweight, drive axle, engine, transmission, mastand other parts.Fuel TankThe fuel tank is installed on the left–hand side of the lifttruck. The fuel tank holds the supply of gasoline ordiesel fuel for the engine.Hydraulic TankDESCRIPTIONMain Frame (See FIGURE 1.)The main frame is one weldment. It has mounts for theThe hydraulic tank is installed under the battery on theright–hand side of the lift truck. The tank holds thesupply of oil for the power steering and the hydraulicsystem. The tank has a filter, a filler neck with breatherand a dipstick.88601. MAIN FRAME2. HYDRAULIC TANK MOUNT3. COUNTERWEIGHT MOUNT (EACH SIDE)4. AIR FILTER MOUNT5. FUEL TANK MOUNT6. HOOD MOUNT7. AXLE MOUNT8. MAST MOUNTFIGURE 1. MAIN FRAME1REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLYCOUNTERWEIGHT REMOVAL (SeeFIGURE 2.)NOTE:The counterweight must be removed only to re-pair the main frame. Repair of other parts can be donewhen the counterweight is on the frame.1. Remove the overhead guard as described in theOverhead Guard procedure.2. Remove the hood as described in the Hood proce-dure.3. Put blocks under each side of the main frame at therear. Make sure the blocks are under the frame and notjust under the counterweight. The blocks must fit tight-ly.4. Disconnect the steering cylinder from the ball studon the steering axle. Remove the cotter pin and turn theend plug counterclockwise to remove it. Slowly turnthe steering wheel JUST enough to lift the cylinder rodend off the ball stud.4tion. Make sure the exhaust pipes and steering cylinderhave clearance. Tilt the counterweight backward sothat it is on the floor. Carefully put blocks under eachside to prevent the counterweight from rolling to theside.8. If necessary, the steering axle can be removed by us-ing a crane to hold the axle. Remove the capscrews thatfasten the axle to the counterweight. Pull the axle offthe stud in the counterweight.31WARNINGMake sure the crane and chains can lift 5000 pounds(2270 kg) when lifting the counterweight.5. Use two chains of equal length or a chain sling. Putthe chains through the grille holes in the counterweight.See FIGURE 2. Pull the chains through toward the ra-diator. Fasten the ends of the chain to the crane hook sothat they are equal length. Make sure the crane hook isover the center of the counterweight. Lift the chains sothat they are tight but not lifting the lift truck off theblocks.6. Disconnect the exhaust pipe where the flexible pipejoins the other exhaust pipe. See FIGURE 2.21. COUNTERWEIGHT2. PUT CHAINS THROUGH HERE3. CHAINS & CRANECONNECTED TO KEEP THISSURFACE LEVEL4. COUNTERWEIGHTCAPSCREWS (3 EACH SIDE)FIGURE 2. COUNTERWEIGHT REMOVALFUEL TANK REMOVALWARNINGWARNINGThe counterweight is very heavy. Keep clear toprevent injury.7. Put a small sheet of wood over the battery to preventshort circuits. Remove the six capscrews that fasten thecounterweight to the main frame. Make sure the wheelsare in a position for straight travel. Carefully move thecounterweight and steering axle in the backward direc-2Disconnect the negative lead from the battery toprevent sparks.1. Remove the floor plate. Disconnect the air cleanerhose where it fastens to the engine. Remove the twocapscrews that fasten the bracket for the air cleaner tothe main frame. Remove the air cleaner and hoses.2. Remove the nut and washer that fastens the hornbracket to the main frame. Put the horn assembly in aposition for fuel tank clearance. Remove the electricalwires from the sender for the fuel level.WARNINGDo not burn materials or make sparks whendraining the fuel tank or removing the fuel lines.Keep the fuel tank away from areas where burningoccurs or sparks are made. Make sure the exhaustsystem is cool.3. Remove the fuel line(s) from the fuel tank. Put capson all the lines and tank fittings. Remove the fuel cap.Put a container under the drain plug for the fuel tank.The container must be large enough to hold all of thefuel in the tank. The tank capacity is approximately 13gallons (49 litres). Remove the drain plug and let thetank completely drain.4. Remove the filler neck for the fuel tank. Use awrench for pipes on the part of the pipe that does nothave threads. Do not damage the threads.5. Remove the four nuts and washers that fasten thestrips for the fuel tank to the main frame. Remove bothstraps. Remove the fuel tank.6. If necessary, remove the five screws that fasten thesender to the fuel tank. Carefully lift the sender out ofthe fuel tank. Do not bend the float rod.6. Remove the breather filter, breather screen, dipstickand filter assembly. If necessary, disassemble and re-place the filter assembly. See the PERIODIC MAIN-TENANCE section.HOOD AND SEAT REMOVALThe seat can be removed from the hood when the hoodis on or off the lift truck. The hood can be removedwithout removing the seat. Read the warning beforedoing any part of the procedure. To remove only theseat assembly, do steps 1 and 2. To remove the hoodand seat as a unit, do steps 3 and 4. To remove the seatAND the hood, do the complete procedure.WARNINGDo not put tools or metal parts on the battery or onthe frame near the battery terminals.1. Operate the latch and lift the hood. Remove the twonuts and washers at the rubber mounts for the rear ofthe seat. Use a 1/2 inch socket.2. Have another person hold the seat. Remove the twonuts for the front of the seat. Remove the seat assem-bly.3. Remove the two top capscrews that fasten each hoodbracket to the main frame. See FIGURE 2.4. Have a person on each side of the hood. They musthold the hood to prevent it from falling. Remove thelast two capscrews with washers and remove the hood.HYDRAULIC TANK REMOVAL1. Disconnect both battery cables. Remove the batteryclamp, studs, battery or batteries and the battery tray.2. Put a container under the drain plug for the hydrau-lic tank. The container must be large enough to holdapproximately 13 gallons (49 litres). Remove the drainplug and let the tank completely drain.3. Remove and put caps on all the hydraulic lines con-nected to the tank, filter head or breather. Disconnectthe electrical wire from the temperature sender.4. Remove the four nuts and lock washers that fastenthe straps for the hydraulic tank to the main frame. Re-move the straps.5. Remove the hydraulic tank and if necessary, the feltpad.OVERHEAD GUARD REMOVAL1. Get help to hold the overhead guard, or use a crane.2. Remove the two capscrews and washers that fastenthe rear legs to the counterweight. Remove the twocapscrews, nuts and washers that fasten the front legsto the main frame. Remove the overhead guard.ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION REMOVALWARNINGAlways disconnect the connections at the batterybefore making repairs to the engine (disconnect thenegative first).1. Disconnect the battery. Remove the steering wheel.2. If equipped, disconnect and remove the overheadexhaust system. Remove the overhead guard.33. Remove the floor plates.4. Remove the hood and seat assembly.5. If the engine is to be disassembled, drain the oilfrom the crankcase.6. Drain the coolant from the engine and radiator. Dis-connect the coolant hoses from the radiator at the en-gine. Disconnect the lines to the oil cooler at the bot-tom of the radiator. Remove the auxiliary coolant res-ervoir at the radiator.7. Carefully remove the radiator and fan shroud fromthe lift truck. Remove the fan assembly from the idlerpulley.8. Disconnect the hydraulic supply hose at the filter.Disconnect the lines from the steering control unit, themain control valve, and the return line.9. Disconnect the following electrical connections:a. Wire to the temperature sender for the hydraulicsystem.b. Two wires to the neutral start switch (oil clutchtransmission or powershift transmission withoutMONOTROL).c. Connector between the engine wiring and the in-strument wiring.10. Disconnect the diesel stop cable. Disconnect thefuel line at the filter. (If equipped with LPG fuel, seethe sectionTHE LPG SYSTEM, 900 SRM 15.)11. Disconnect the throttle linkage at the engine.12. Remove the air cleaner assembly and the air duct tothe engine.13. Remove the brake pedal assembly. Disconnect theMONOTROL pedal from the bracket and put the pedalon the transmission. It is not necessary to disconnectthe oil lines between the pedal and the transmission.Disconnect the linkage from the transmission on unitsthat have an oil clutch transmission.14. Disconnect the oil cooler lines at the transmission.15. Disconnect the flexible exhaust pipe that connectsthe exhaust manifold to the muffler. (Some servicepersons disconnect the exhaust pipe at the frame mountso that the flexible exhaust pipe is easier to disconnect.)16. Remove the axle shafts. See the sectionTHEDRIVE AXLE (1400 SRM 49).Remove the caps-crews that fasten the transmission to the drive axle.WARNINGWhen lifting the engine and transmission, make surethat the lifting device, chains or slings have thecapacity to lift 500 kg (1000 lb)17. Connect a lifting device to the engine and transmis-sion. Raise the lifting device until there is tension inthe chain or sling.18. Remove the bolt that holds the front motor mountto the frame.19. Carefully lift the engine and transmission assemblyfrom the frame.REPAIRSFUEL OR HYDRAULIC TANKa. Use steam to clean the area around the leak. Re-move all paint and dirt around the leak.CAUTIONUse Hyster black paint to paint the tank after repairsare complete. See the Painting Instructions sectionbefore painting. Do not get paint inside the tank.Small LeaksUse the following procedures to repair small leaks:4WARNINGDo not use tools that can make sparks, heat or staticelectricity. The vapors in the tank can cause an ex-plosion.b. Apply Loctite® 290 to the leak. Follow the in-structions of the manufacturerLarge Leaks1. Use one of the procedures described under CLEAN-ING in this section to clean and prepare the tank for re-pairs.2. Use acceptable welding practices to repair the tank.See the American National StandardSafety in Weldingand CuttingANSI Z49.1–1973.Cleaningc. Mix the solution in the tank using air pressure.Make sure all the surfaces on the inside of thetank are flushed with the solution. Drain the tank.d. Put steam into the tank until the tank does nothave odors and the metal is hot. Steam vaporsmust come from all the openings.e. Flush the inside of the tank with boiling water.Make sure all the loose material is removed fromthe inside of the tank.f. Make an inspection of the inside of the tank. If itis not clean, repeat steps d and e and make anotherinspection. When making inspections, use lightthat is approved for locations with flammable va-pors.g. Put plugs in all the openings in the tank. Wait 15minutes, then remove the inlet and outlet plugs.Test a sample of the vapor with a special indicatorfor gas vapors. If the amount of flammable va-pors is above the lower flammable limit, repeatthe cleaning procedures.Chemical Solution Method of CleaningIf the tank cannot be cleaned with steam, use the follow-ing procedure:a. Mix a solution of water and trisodium phosphateor a cleaning compound with an alkali base. Fol-low the instructions given by the manufacturer.b. Fill the tank with the cleaning solution. Use com-pressed air to mix the solution in the tank.c. Drain the tank. Flush the inside of the tank withhot (boiling) water. Make sure all the cleaningcompound is removed.d. Make an inspection of the inside of the tank. If thetank is not clean, repeat steps a to c. Make anotherinspection of the tank. When making inspections,use a light that is approved for locations withflammable vapors.e. Check the tank for flammable vapors using spe-cial indicator for gas vapors. If the amount offlammable vapors is not below the lower flam-mable limit, repeat the cleaning procedures.Other Methods Of Preparation For RepairIf nitrogen gas or carbon dioxide gas is available, pre-pare the tank for welding using these gases. See the5WARNINGSpecial procedures must be followed when largeleaks or other repairs need welding or cutting. Spe-cial procedures must be followed. All work must bedone by authorized personnel. If the tank is cleanedinside of a building, make sure there is enough venti-lation. See the following manuals for additional in-formation:D“Safe Practices For Welding And Cutting Con-tainers That Have Held Combustibles” by theAmerican Welding Society, A6.0–65.D“Safety In Welding and Cutting”, American Na-tional Standard, ANSI Z 49.1 – 1973.When cleaning the tank, do not use solutions thatmake dangerous gases at normal temperatures orwhen heated. Wear device for the protection of theeyes. Protect the body from burns.When cleaning with steam, use a hose with a minimumdiameter of 19 mm (0.75 inch). Control the pressure ofthe steam by a valve installed at the nozzle of the hose. Ifa metal nozzle is used, it must be made of a material thatdoes not make sparks. Make an electrical connection be-tween the nozzle and the tank. Connect a ground wire tothe tank to prevent static electricity.Steam Method of CleaningUse the following procedure to clean the tank withsteam:a. Remove all the parts from the tank. Install thedrain plug.b. Fill the tank 1/4 full with a solution of water andsodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate. Mix0.5 kg (1 lb) per 4 litres (1 gal) of water. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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