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//-->IAll the information you’ll ever need to create the best military models...ISCALE MODELWORLD 2014SPECIAL REPORTIssue 106 February 2015www.modelmilitary.comTRANSVAALWARRIORIBG Models’ 1:35 scale MarmonHerrington armoured carDON’T WASTEANYTHINGAcademy 1:35 scaleMerkava Mk.IIDINSIDE:GUDERIAN’S DUCK1:35 White 666 TruckI1:35 Jeep and 75mm GunI1:48 HueyIJagdpanzer IV Think TankI1:72 AAVP GalleryIand moreTamiya’s brand new 1:35 Jagdpanzer IV /70(V)February 2015 / £4.20 / Issue 106. . i n c o r p o r a t i n gUK DistribUtorsa v i dr e a d e roftanKograDm a i lo r d e rb o o k sModelling Trees Part One -Broadleaf Trees92 pages, full colour.£19.95Modelling Trees Part Two - Conifers92 pages, full colour.£21.95iF YoU are a PUBLisHer LooKing Fora WHoLesaLer or disTriBUTor inTHe UK PLease ConTaCT Us:WHoLesaLe TerMs avaiLaBLe TogenUine oUTLeTs.Modelling Grassland and LandscapeDetailingFeaturing Weeds and Wild Flowers,Hedges, roads and Pavements, Mud,Puddles and rivers by gordon gravett.This book is a great follow up, to the twobooks published on Modelling Trees.Full Colour, 108 pages.£24.95Nuts and Bolts Volume 33Leichte Feldhaubitze 18, gW ii fürle.F.H. 18/2 Wespe and Hummel-Wespe. Paperback, 184 pages,Black/white and Colour photos, linedrawings.£25.15Tankograd In Detail Fast Track 04 -M109A6 Paladin US Army Self-PropelledHowitzerin action photographs and a detailed walka-round, english text. - Limited print-run 999copies - As our series ‘In-Detail’ but half size /half price! Quantity Photos and Illustrations: Il-lustrated with 89 colour photographs, Pages: 40£10.99Tankograd In Detail Fast Track 05 -M992A2 FAASV US Army Field ArtilleryAmmunition Support Vehicle (for M109)in action photographs and a detailed walka-round, english text. - Limited print-run 999copies - as our series ‘in-detail’ but half size/ half price! Quantity Photos and Illustrations:illustrated with 75 colour photographs,40pages.£10.99info@bookworldws.co.ukTankograd Fast Track 06. 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Tracksand WheelsTracks and Wheels is the third releasefrom the already famous aK Learningseries. The extremely talented artistswithin this book, take you on a journeythrough every aspect of painting andweathering tracks and wheels throughtheir very own words, guiding youthrough their styles and approaches.Paperback, 83 pages, full colour.£10.99How to Build Tamiya’s ArmourKits in 1:35This new book brings together fivedetailed features that will show what ispossible from this extensive range ofkits. in so doing, it offers hints and tips,detailed step-by-step guides and writtendescriptions on all manner of techniquesfrom basic construction, through detail-ing, painting and realistic weathering.Paperback, 82 pages, full colour.£12.95Tankograd 6033 - U.S. WW IIDodge WC62-WC63 6x6 Trucks48 pages with 150-200 illustrations,among them WW2 action photos,colour photos and technical draw-ings. illustrated throughout. excerptsof technical manuals, wartime pho-tos, photos of restored vehicles. idealcompanion for modellers and fans oftechnology. 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Paperback,80 pages.£19.99Tankograd 5054 - FUCHS Volume 4FUCHs The Transportpanzer 1Wheeled armoured Personnel Carrierin german army service Part 4 - Bat-tlefield Surveillance Radar / RadioCommunications / International TheTransportpanzer 1 Fuchs (ëFuchs’being german for ëfox’) wheeledarmoured personnel carriers are, asidefrom the Leopard main battle tanks, themost iconic and most prominent assetsof the modern german army.£13.99WW1 The First Mechanized WarThis book provides a comprehensive and com-plete view of the crude beginnings and fast evo-lution of armored warfare during the great War.it includes historical texts illustrated with periodphotographs, and detailed colour profiles of eachof the most outstanding models. Paperback, 167pages, Black/White photos, colour profiles.£27.99The Weathering Magazine 9 - K.Oand WrecksThis issue is dedicated to destroyed,abandoned, and sunken vehicles.Thebest modellers in the world will offera repertoire of exceptional examplesand they explain with detailed step bystep process, all the newest tricks andtechniques to get your models representsimilar conditions.£8.99FUCHS Part 3Ambulance / Electronic Warfare /nBC The Transportpanzer 1 Fuchs(‘Fuchs’ being german for ‘fox’)wheeled armoured personnel carriersare, aside from the Leopard mainbattle tanks, the most iconic and mostprominent assets of the modern ger-man army. 64 pages, full colour.£13.99Unit 10 Hodfar Road, Sandy Lane Ind Est,Stourport, Worcs DY13 9QBTel : 01299 823330 Fax : 01299 829970web: www.bookworldws.co.uk email: info@bookworldws.co.ukYoU Can visiT oUr WeBsiTe: www.bookworldws.co.uk stockists of thefollowing subjects: aviation, Military, naval, Modelling, railway, MotoringMajor credit cards accepted, UK cheques payable to Bookworld Wholesale LtdUK PosTage singLe BooK £2.50 TWo or More BooKs £4.50overseas airMaiL PLease add 15% oF order vaLUe MiniMUM £7.50Contents- Issue 106 February 2015144432REGULARSp 4NEWSWhat’s new in the world ofmilitary modellingWhat’s happening withreleases 1:24 scale andlargerNews on accessories, toolsand finishing productsLuke Pitt explores 1:48 scalemilitary models, figures andaccessoriesRoundup of the latestmodelling and referencetitlesLate breaking news andramblings from the EditorFEATURESp 6THINK TANKJagdpanzer IV by Zack Sexand Hilary Louis DoyleTamiya 1:35 Jagdpanzer IV/70(V) by Brett GreenAcademy 1:35 Merkava IIDby Sean LynchDragon 1:72 AAVP7A1 byAndrew Judsonp 34TRANSVAAL WARRIORIBG Models 1:35 MarmonHerrington Mk. I by AlexAdamecp 55LARGE SCALEp 14GUDERIAN’S DUCKp 40TALES FROM THE CRYPTp 42PREVIEWp 56INCOMINGp 24DON’T WASTE ANYTHINGp 32GALLERYTamiya + MR Modellbau 1:48Achilles by Brett Green©ADH Publishing Ltd 2014Tel:(UK) 01525 222573Fax:(UK) 01525 222574Email:enquiries@modelmilitary.comAddress:ADH Publishing,Doolittle Mill, Doolittle Lane,Totternhoe, Bedfordshire, LU6 1QX, UKModel Military Internationalispublished monthly byADH Publishing.Reproduction in part or whole of anytext, photograph or illustration withoutwritten permission from the publisheris strictly prohibited. While due care istaken to ensure the contents ofModel Military Internationalis accurate,the publishers and printers cannotaccept liability for errors or omissions.HobbyBoss 1:35 White 666TruckScale Model World 2014Italeri 1:48 HueyBronco 1:35 British Airborne75mm Pack Howitzer &¼Ton Truckp 581:48 SCALEp 44SHOW REPORTp 52PREVIEWp 59PREVIEWp 60BOOKS34p 66LAST POSTISSN 1749-8864February 2015 -Model Military International3Newsline- February ’15THE TARTAR ROADDennis Oliver advises that thenext book in The Firefly Collection,“The Tartar Road”, will be releasedshortly.As with the last title, StephenAndrew and Dennis Oliver sharethe illustration duties and this isgoing to be a permanent feature infuture publications.This book is something of aprequel to the first release withADH, Viking Summer, and coversthe SS-Wiking division during thebattles for the Caucasus oilfields inMMI Newsdesk,ADH Publishing, Doolittle Mill,Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Bedfordshire, LU6 1QX, UKTel:01525 222573 Fax:01525 222574Email:editor@modelmilitary.comthe summer of 1942.The illustrations also featurevehicles of other units thatserved in southern Russia atthe time and the book tries tomake sense of the semi-officialcamouflage schemes andcolours that were coming intouse at the time.As always the book will containblack and white archive photos,maps, diagrams and more.Available soon through ADHBooks websitewww.adhbooks.comMUK TROOPS CONDUCT JOINT EXERCISE IN POLANDtraining scenario such as this, at fairly highspeed and at fairly long distances.”Major Alex Michael, Second in Command ofThe KRH, said:“Coming out here has been arevelation. We have been given the latitudeto be able to create some valuable trainingthat we would like to conduct. The infantrycompanies have found great value in beingable to design the training exactly how theywant it to run. And we have found that veryproductive.“Certainly, there are lessons for us to learn interms of how to deploy a battlegroup away fromour shores, but it’s also been a lesson in how wecan interact with foreign armies and how we cando some low level training with them.“I know that the Polish are very keen tounderstand how we go about business. Forexample, low level things like how we markour maps, how we give orders, and how wemanoeuvre across the battle space. And, theyhave been very generous people and a joy towork with.”Some of the Challengers, which saw action adecade ago in Iraq, were brought out of storagein Germany and updated with the latest armourand communications equipment. The CombinedService Support Group (CSSG) Royal Electricaland Mechanical Engineers (REME) is responsiblefor providing support to the battlegroup.“You have the lead armoured battlegroupand behind them is the CSSG.”said Lt ColAnna-Lee Johnston, the Commanding Officer.“Basically, wherever they go we go andprovide what we call second-line support.That’s logistics, medical, equipment support,policing support, signals support and EODsupport. We are responsible for deploying andredeploying them.”Integration has been the key factor onthis exercise.“There’s no question they arereassured,”said Lt Col Johnston, who is thefirst woman to command an armoured closesupport REME battalion.“The Polish have reallyenjoyed working with us at every level, fromthe guys working on the tanks side-by-sidewith the guys working on Leopards, right theway through to the guys firing mortars or thesnipers working together. It’s been brilliant.”© Crown copyright 2014ore than 1300 British soldiers and100 armoured vehicles, includingChallenger 2 Main Battle Tank andWarrior Armoured Infantry FightingVehicle, from the 3rd UK Division are takingpart in Exercise BLACK EAGLE, a British/PolishNATO exercise taking place in Western Poland.Soldiers from Tidworth-based The King’sRoyal Hussars (KRH), the UK’s Lead ArmouredBattlegroup operating Challenger 2, areconducting live-firing battlefield scenariosalongside their Polish counterparts withLeopard Main Battle Tanks, whilst 1st BattalionThe Royal Welsh (1R Welsh), with the Warrior, isproviding the troops on the ground.A significant demonstration of the UK’ssupport to the region and NATO’s ImmediateAssurance Measures, Ex BLACK EAGLE alsohighlights the British Army’s ability to deploy anarmoured battlegroup at short notice anywherein the world in support of the nation’s allies.“It’s important to put it in the contextof a raft of wider initial security measureson behalf of NATO to reassure our EasternEuropean allies of the importance ofdeterrence,”said Lieutenant Colonel JustinKingsford, Commanding Officer of The KRH.“That has been the foundation of UK defencepolicy since 1949.“And, to send that message to our widerEastern European partners that collectivesecurity is important to us, to the alliance andvery much to NATO itself.“It’s been a few years since we havedeployed a force such as this at such highspeed. But, we’ve got the capabilities toproject force when we need to, albeit in a4Model Military International- February 2015DRANB EWN NG!IOOLTM48A2GA2032361:48Now for the first time as a kit• Authentic reproduction of cast part surfaces• Finely detailed gratings• Easy mount vinyl tracks• Smoke dischargers• Rotating turret• Detailed gun• Hatches mountable in the open position• Search and target designating searchlight• Authentic decals for four versionsREV EL L H A S MOVE D :Revell GmbH,Unit 10, Old Airfield Industrial Estate,Cheddington Lane, Tring, HP23 4QRTel: 0845 459 0747, Fax: 01296 660041, Email: ukbranch@revell.de© 2014 Revell GmbH. A subsidiary of Hobbico, Inc.All rights reserved. Trade enquiries welcome.Available from all goodmodel stockists.Visit our brand newwebsite and online shopwww.revell.de/en [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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